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Основной инструментарий гомеопата (english version) The main professional tools of a homeopath.

Основной инструментарий гомеопата (english version) The main professional tools of a homeopath.


Автор: M.Lyakhovich

Год написания: 2021

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ISBN 978-5-600-03182-1 © Ляхович М.Ю., 2021 г. 32 с.

The author outlines his view on homeopathic medicine and proposes some new attitudes to the issue in question. The book may be of interest for those having basic knowledge of homeopathy.

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Table of contents

Introduction (1-13)

Homeopathic constitutions and psychological types (14-51)

Chronic diseases (52-80)

A proposed indication for the use of big nosodes in pediatrics (81-90)

Homeopathic restoration (91-97)

The abilities of homeopathy in psychiatry – the treatment of depression and maniac-depressive disorder MDP (98-104)

Chronological aspects (105-110)

Sensibility (111-113)

Ethics (114-115)

Epilogue (116)



It is possible at one moment to administer to a patient different homeopathic medicines that all can be effective though acting differently. There can simultaneously exist both one best initial administration of a medicine and a number of relatively equivalent ones.


The first administration of the medicine is often based on the experience of the homeopath, and presupposes some further tactics based on the paradigm practiced by this doctor (constitutional, clinical, miasmatic, proprietary methodology or some other).


The administration to a patient of one and the same medicine by a number of experienced homeopaths is possible only in the simplest clinical cases and this situation can be considered rather exclusive than regular. Most often, the prescribed medication will differ.

At the same time the practice shows that any medicine can be theoretically justified depending upon the lecturer’s art of persuasion. Such experiments have already been made many times.


The positive effect of the medicine does not always prove its right choice as the former may be the result of many different therapeutic aspects, among which it is not always possible to single out the drug effect by itself, even having enough knowledge and experience. But, strictly speaking, even under these conditions it is not always possible.


Besides the effect of the medicine itself the therapeutic aspects of homeopathy include three groups of factors – on the part of patients, on the part of doctors and on the part of the applied method. However, this can be referred to any therapeutic system, not only homeopathic.


These factors are as follows:

On the part of the patient it is the effect of positive expectations, or the so-called placebo-effect.

On the part of the doctor it is the specialist’s own healing skills when the doctor, often without realizing it, is an autonomous therapeutic system.

On the part of the method it is the special nature of care encounter and the medical interview. The more detailed and psychologically scrupulous the interview is, the greater therapeutic effect it will have.


Consequently, we come across the situation when as a result of personal psychological projections and misconceptions the above mentioned various effects are all referred to the action of the medicine itself.

For this reason, a number of concepts, models and original methods described in the special homeopathic literature can contain serious mistakes or are fully incorrect.

The more theoretic and speculative the concept is the less reliable and replicable it can be.


From the point of view of medical care all additional therapeutic effects of homeopathy are positive for the patients.

But on the other hand, they become disorienting when presented as the homeopathic methods, since they are often not connected with the action of homeopathic medicines themselves.

Nowadays, as well as 200 years ago, the central problem of homeopathy is the demonstration of pure qualities and effects of homeopathic remedies and their further separation from all other additional effects.


Since the time the homeopathy was discovered a number of different models of homeopathic therapy have been developed – they are: clinical homeopathy, treatment of chronic diseases, treatment of acute conditions, constitutional homeopathy and some others.

These models differ from each other so greatly that it is natural to suppose that they have quite different and multilevel ways of action, still united by the principle of similarity.

At the same time each of these models has a serious therapeutic resource, probably, not fully discovered.

While clinical homeopathy and the treatment of acute conditions seem to be rather simple and well-studied the other models are often interpreted divergently and controversially that makes it impossible to create consistent educational programs.


One and the same homeopathic medicine may have quite different effect in different situations. It can be presented in various homeopathic models, from one to four or five.

The medicine be applied in clinical homeopathy or as a miasmatic remedy, a constitutional remedy, a psychosomatic remedy, used in acute cases or function in some other ways.

The character of its action will be shaped exclusively by the clinical situation and not by the expectations of the homeopath.


In different homeopathic models and in different clinical situations the choice of the group of symptoms which are essential for the reliable administration of the remedy will be quite different.

Consequently, the medicine must have a range of well distinguished descriptions.

The search for one universal description of a medicine is deceptive. At the same time, in traditional Materia Medica the symptoms of different groups of medicines are often jumbled or, sometimes, listed in one row.

Though nowadays there is a number of different versions of Materia Medica, more or less based on one proper portrait of the medicine (clinical, psychological, acute, miasmatic) this kind of work has not been accomplished yet and its necessity has not been fully realized.


It should be added that the length and the dynamics of the remedy’s effect, as well as the method of the interview and the further control will be special for each method.

For example, if the medicine is chosen for the mental symptoms and is similar to psychic constitution and psychic symptomatology, it does not mean that it will be similar to the patient’s general and special symptoms, as well as to the modalities described for this drug.

The same is with the medicine administered within the frame of the clinical homeopathy: it ought not to be necessarily similar to the patient’s psych type.

These statements to some extent contradict the leading homeopathic models, but, in our view, the acceptance of these ideas will contribute to the effectiveness and the awareness of homeopathic practice.


Thus, it may be stated that different methods of homeopathy are in fact various tools of a homeopath and understanding and mastering of these methods finally define the degree of the doctor’s professional skill.

The following chapters are devoted to the analysis of the previously unclear characteristics and the nature of these tools.

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